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Tweets by @ScotAGCATestimonials
“The golf course is our most important asset and therefore it is crucial to maintaining the high standard of our course that we get advice from a professional golf course architect" Club Manager, Lanark GC
"Our 10 year development plan will help guide the Club’s future." Captain of Aberdour GC
"As amateurs we all have an idea what we are looking for but the GCA is the man that pulls these ideas together into an achievable project." Director of Pitlochry Golf Ltd
"There are major benefits in using a professional GCA" Baberton Club Manager
"....we should always seek the guidance of professional expertise before finalising our strategic plans for development and improvement to our facilities. This has proven to be particularly beneficial to the development of our golf course....." Secretary, Kirkintilloch GC
About us
The Association was set up in 2008 by a group of Scottish golf course architects who felt that Scotland, as the home of golf with its history and influence on the design of golf courses worldwide, should have a body representing the golf course architecture profession in Scotland.
The Association’s mission statement is:
"Upholding the Values and Standards of Scottish Golf Course Architecture"
The design of our golf courses is a key factor in developing golf in Scotland. We have some of the best courses in the world and it is essential that this golfing heritage is protected by qualified golf course architects.
Scottish golf course architects were responsible for the growth of the game with pioneers like Old Tom Morris and Willie Park Jr followed by others including James Braid and Donald Ross.
Many of our courses have had little or no professional Golf Course Design input since they opened for play. With a growing number of qualified Golf Course Architects now resident in Scotland, the expertise now exists to allow clubs to seek professional advice on all aspects of course design and ScotAGCA provides a link to these architects.
To achieve its objectives, all members are required to meet operating standards set by the Association to ensure the highest quality of professional service. These standards are based on a foundation of education, qualifications, training, experience and a sound knowledge of the design history of Scottish golf courses.